
Web Optimisation

4 ways to optimize your online presence in the time of pandemic

Whatever your line of business or your company size, now more than ever great care must be taken to guarantee responsiveness and creativity in order to adapt your communications and optimize your online presence. For lack of time or technical resources, some companies choose to put on hold their digital marketing activities.


However, there exist various means to communicate effectively in the time of pandemic, and certain actions and strategies should not be quarantined. Here are a few of them that can be set up rather quickly.


1. Update your website

Your website is the primary tool to focus on to guarantee your online presence. It is important to adapt your main informative content concerning the actions taken by your company and the ways you can help your customers. Do not neglect to share information about your company’s situation under the current circumstances. It is equally important to adapt your services and promotions in a way that more closely reflects your customers’ reality. 


If you are a consultant or a financial advisor, think about offering online consultations. For a music or yoga teacher, to offer online classes is an excellent way to adapt services at this critical time.


Ready-made meals are gaining in popularity, hence the opportunity for carteres and restaurants to sell prepared meals online. In fact, the majority of companies can sell their products and services from their own website. Online business solutions are now more accessible than ever at lower costs and they are less time consuming than you might imagine.


2. Referencing SEO and content marketing

Make sure that your website does not contain technical errors that could have a direct impact on your website’s performance on search engines. Check your website’s ranking with Google Search Console and improve your keywords strategy if needed.


Start developing new contents that can be reused on social media. Create useful and eye-catching content for your actual and prospective customers to help them solve problems and meet new challenges. Besides sharing your collaborator’s and partner’s relevant publications, publish simple content that will keep you in contact with your customers during this critical time.


Here are some examples of content that you could use for your content marketing :

  • Hints and tips (SlideShare or PDF)
  • Case studies, customer testimonials
  • Videos
  • Live Q&A
  • Quotes, visuals, graphics


3. Keep up internet traffic and contact points

Keeping up contact with your actual and prospective customers is essential. To help your company have a better position in local search results, do not forget to update your opening hours, services and availability (in-store services, deliveries, online appointments...) on your Google My Business page. Optimize information on your social media web pages and multiply publications on social media about your products and services in the same way. Use Social Media Merketing as an additional lever by creating promotional offers on Facebook and on your Google page. Sponsor your most relevant articles (sponsored content) on social networks and with email marketing campaigns.


4. PPC campaigns

While certain companies have let up their online advertising campaign budgets, others have taken full advantage of this situation to get their website to be found more easily on such networks as Google Ads, Bing Ads and other social media ads platforms. However, for every one of your campaigns, be sure to thoroughly optimize every detail of your advertising, audience, search words and bids in a cost-effective way/ to avoid going bankrupt.


To focus your endeavors on your online presence right now will give you an advantage on the competition who may not be as quick to react. Sure enough, you can count on our agency to assist you on your digital transformation.

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